Friday, 1 August 2014

The Short Version of the "Austrian" True Money Supply (TMS), as of 21 July 2014

The short version of the Austrian True Money Supply (SVTMS) for the U.S. decreased 0.25% (-12.28% annualised) during the most recent week ending 21 July 2014 to hit $10.1915 trillion. This measure of the money supply is now up 3.16% year to date.

The 1-year growth rate increased slightly from last week, from 8.27% to 8.44%, but was 77 basis points lower than same week last year.

The shorter term growth rates (i.e. 1 week to 26 weeks) have picked up in recent weeks and are now all higher than a year ago. The 39 weeks to 5 year annualised growth rates on the other hand are however substantially lower. The overall trend in the growth rate of the money supply for medium- to long term growth rates is therefore still heading downwards.

Visit the "Austrian" True Money Supply archive here.