Tuesday, 5 August 2014

The Classic Boom Bust Cycle: Banks' Equity Ratios Near 2008 Levels as Growth in Lending Increases Further, Monetary Base Hits $4 Trillion

It's taken a tremendous amount of hard work by the busy treasury and mortgage-backed security traders at the New York Fed, but here we are: the U.S. monetary base a few days ago eased passed the perhaps not so magical US$4 trillion mark. Since week ending 10 September 2008, five days before the Lehman collapse, the monetary base has fattened by a stunning US$3.145 trillion, or 359% during the course of less than six years. 

The full article is published exclusively on Seeking Alpha. You can access the article here

The U.S. Money, Credit & Treasuries Review is a report issued on a bi-weekly basis by EcPoFi. You can access all previous issues since February 2013 here.
